Our F.A.Q. system is based on a Wiki[1] collaborative web based platform called TWiki.
The idea behind a Wiki is that everybody is allowed to add content. That means a Wiki system is accessable to everyone. This nature of a Wiki makes it very easy to build a rich knowledge base in a very short time.
Now you might say that if a Wiki system is accessable to everyone, everyone is to be treated to be a potential security risk, because he might have the intention to screw the Wiki system by adding malicious code. This is not true for several reasons:
Everyone collaborting, has an interest to keep the Wiki in a proper state because everybody might benefit from the informations contained within the Wiki system.
Changes are controlled by a RCS[2] system. That means changes that are leaving the system in a improper state can be reverted to a previous version.
Other possibly bigger project are successfully using a Wiki system. For example the free encyclopedia Wikipedia is completly based on a Wiki system.
Finally if really required, a Wiki system can be protected using some kind of ACLs[3].
Now that you have read the above informations you might move on to the actuall iChilli™ Wiki system.
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