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References and Technical Notes
on the Web

These documents provide a good background for a better understanding some informations provided with this diploma thesis.

LucaOS - A next generation secure mobile operating system

The LUCA project is working on a secure operating system for mobile devices, called LucaOS

Internet RFCs

RFCs ("Request for Comments") are standards documents produced by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

RFC 2119

Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels


Here are pointers to the specifications.

The XML Specification

The W3C technical recommendation that defines XML 1.0.

SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1

The W3C candidate recommendation that defines the SOAP 1.2 Messaging Framework

SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2

The W3C candidate recommendation that defines SOAP 1.2 Adjuncts

XML Encryption Syntax and Processing

The W3C recommendation that defines XML Encryption Syntax and Processing

XML Signature Syntax and Processing

The W3C recommendation that defines XML Signature Syntax and Processing


The XML-RPC specification that defines XML over HTTP remote procedure calls

Web Services Description Language

The W3C working draft that defines Web Services Description Language 1.2

Web Services Inspection Language

The IBM specification that defines Web Services Inspection Language 1.0

Universal, Description, Discovery, and Integration

The OASIS specifications that defines Universal, Description, Discovery, and Integration 2.0

Web Services for J2EE

The Sun JSR 109 that defines Web Services for J2EE 1.0

J2EE Platform Specification

The Sun specification that defines the J2EE Platform 1.4

Enterprise JavaBeans™ Specification

The Sun specification that defines Enterprise JavaBeans™ 2.1

JavaServer Pages Specification

The Sun JSR 105 that defines JavaServer Pages 2.0

Java Servlet

The Sun JSR 154 that defines the Java Servlet API 2.4

Java Message Service Specification

The Sun specification that defines the Java Message Service 1.1

J2EE Connector Architecture Specification

The Sun specification that defines the J2EE Connector Architecture 1.5

J2EE Application Deployment Specification

The Sun specification that defines the J2EE Application Deployment API 1.0

J2EE Management Specification

The Sun specification that defines the J2EE Management API 1.0

Java™ Management Extensions (JMX) Specification

The Sun specification that defines the Java™ Management Extensions (JMX) 1.2

J2EE Client Provisioning Specification

The Sun JSR 124 that defines J2EE Client Provisioning 0.95

JavaSpaces™ Technology

The Sun specification that defines the JavaSpaces™ Technology 1.1

Jini™ Network Technology

The Sun specifications that are defining the Jini™ Network Technology

Connected Limited Device Configuration

The Sun JSR 30 that defines the CLDC API

MIDP 2.0 Specification

The Sun JSR 118 that defines the MIDP API 2.0

MIDP 1.0 Specification

The Sun JSR 37 that defines the MIDP API 1.0

PersonalJava API Specification

The Sun specification that defines the PersonalJava API 1.2

Personal Profile Specification

The Sun JSR 62 that defines the Personal Profile API 1.0

Personal Basis Profile Specification

The Sun JSR 129 that defines the Personal Basis Profile API 1.0


The OMG specifications that are defining the CORBA® Technology

Grid Service Specification

The OGSA specifications that defines the Grid Service Specification.

Books and Printed Resources

There are also a number of books worth checking out:



[booch, rumbaugh and jacobson, 2000] The Unified Modeling Language. User Guide. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson. 0201571684. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Reading Massachusetts . 2000.

[booch, rumbaugh and jacobson, 1998] The Unified Modeling Language. Refernce Guide. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson. 0-201-30998-X. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Reading Massachusetts . 1998.

[gamma, helm, johnson and vlissides, 2000] Design Patterns. [gamma, helm, johnson and vlissides, 2000]. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. 0-201-63361-2. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Reading Massachusetts . 2000.

[schmidt, stal, rohnert and buschmann, 2001] Patter-Oriented Software Architecture. Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects. Douglas Schmidt, Michael Stal, Hans Rohnert, and Frank Buschmann. 0-471-60695-2. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. New York New York . 2001.

[tanenbaum, 2001] Modern Operating Systems. Andrew S. Tanenbaum. 0-13-031358-0. Prentice-Hall, Inc.. Upper Saddle River New Jersey . 2001. Second Edition.

[tanenbaum, 1995] Distributed Operation Systems. Andrew S. Tanenbaum. 0-13-219908-4. Prentice-Hall, Inc.. Upper Saddle River New Jersey . 1995.

[coulouris, dollimore and kindberg, 2001] Distributed Systems. Concepts and Design. George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, and Tim Kindberg. 0201-61918-0. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Reading Massachusetts . 2001. Third Edition.

[lynch, 1996] Distributed Algorithms. Nancy A. Lynch. 1-55860-348-4. Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc.. San Fransisco California . 1996.

[silberschatz, korth, sudarshan, 2002] Database System Concepts. Avi Silberschatz, Hank Korth, and S. Sudershan. 0-07-112268-0. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.. New York New York . 2002. 4th Edition.

[ozsu and valduriez, 1999] Principles of Distributed Database Systems. [ozsu and valduriez, 1999]. M. Tamer Ozsu and Patrick Valduriez. 0-13-659707-6. Prentice-Hall, Inc.. Upper Saddle River New Jersey . 1999. Second Edition.

[buretta, 1997] Data Replication. Tools and Techniques for Managing Distributed Information. Marie Buretta. 0-471-15754-6. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. New York New York . 1997.

[gray and reuter, 1993] Transaction Processing. Concepts and Techiques. Jim Gray and Andreas Reuter. 1-55860-190-2. Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc.. San Fransisco California . 1993.

[czarnecki and eisenecker, 2000] Generative Programming. Methods, Tools, and Applications. Krzysztof Czarnecki and Ulrich W. Eisenecker. 0-201-30977-7. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Reading Massachusetts . 2000.

[lindholm and yellin, 1999] The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. [lindholm and yellin, 1999]. Tim Lindholm and Frank Yellin. 0-201-43294-3. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Reading Massachusetts . 1999. Second Edition.

[goslin, joy, steel and bracha, 2000] The Java™ Language Specification. James Goslin, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, and Gilad Bracha. 0-201-31008-2. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Reading Massachusetts . 2000. Second Edition.

[chan and lee, 1999] The Java™ Class Libraries. Patrick Chan and Rosanna Lee. 0-201-131003-1. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Reading Massachusetts . 1999. Second Edition. 2.

[harold, 2000] Java™ Network Programming. Elliotte Rusty Harold. 1-56592-870-9. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.. Sebastopol California . 2000. 2nd Edition.

[monson-haefel, 2001] Enterprise JavaBeans™. Developing Enterprise Java Components. Richard Monson-Haefel. 1-596-00226-2. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.. Sebastopol California . 2001.

[bergsten, 2001] JavaServer Pages. Hans Bergsten. 1-56592-746-X. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.. Sebastopol California . 2001.

[hunter and crawford, 1998] Java™ Servlet Programming. Jason Hunter and William Crawford. 1-56592-391-X. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.. Sebastopol California . 1998.

[monson-haefel and chappell, 2001] Java™ Message Service. Richard Monson-Haefel and David A. Chappell. 0--596-00068-5. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.. Sebastopol California . 2001.

[sharma, stearns and ng, 2001] J2EE™ Connector Architecture and Enterprise Application Integration. Rahul Sharma, Beth Stearns, and Tony Ng. 0--201-77580-8. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Reading Massachusetts . 2001.

[lee and seligman, 2000] JNDI API Tutorial and Refernce. Building Directory-Enabled Java™ Applications. Rosanna Lee and Scott Seligman. 0--201-70502-8. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Reading Massachusetts . 2000.

[edwards, 2001] Core Jini. W. Keith Edwards. 0--13-089408-7. Prentice-Hall, Inc.. Upper Saddle River New Jersey . Second Edition. 2001.

[waldo, 2000] The Jini™ Specifications. Jim Waldo. 0--201-72617-3. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Reading Massachusetts . Second Edition. 2000.

[freeman, hupfer and arnold, 1999] JavaSpaces™ Principles, Patterns, and Practice. Eric Freeman, Susanne Hupfer, and Ken Arnold. 0--201-30955-6. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Reading Massachusetts . 3rd Edition. 1999.

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[satyanarayanan, 1999] Fundamental Challenges in Mobile Computing. M. Satyanarayanan. School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. 1999.

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[baumgarten, LUCA02] Der Architekturentwurf von LUCA. [baumgarten, LUCA02]. Dr. Prof. Uwe Baumgarten. Technische Universitaet Muenchen. Muenchen Bayern Germany .

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[neves and fuchs] Adaptive Recovery for Mobile Environments. Nuno Neves and W. Kent Fuchs. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Purdue University. Urbana, West Lafayette Illinois, Indiana .

[butrico, chang, cocchi, shea and smith, 1997] Gold Rush. [butrico, chang, cocchi, shea and smith, 1997]. Mobile Transaction Middleware with Java-Object Replication. Maria A. Butrico, Henry Chang, Anthony Cocchi, Norman H. Cohen, Dennis G. Shea, and Stephen E. Smith. IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Yorktown Heights New York . 1997.

[phan, huang and dulan, 2002] Challenge. Integrating Mobile Wireless Devices Into the Computational Grid. Thomas Phan, Lloyd Huang, and Chris Dulan. The University of California, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp., Vizional Technologies, Inc.. Los Angeles, Shanghai, Santa Monica California United States, China . 2002.

[wallez, 2002] Micro-Cocoon. [wallez, 2002]. Running Cocoon in unusual places. Sylvain Wallez. Anyware. Technologies. Labège France . 2002.

[foster, kesselman and tuecke, 2001] The Anatomy of the Grid. Enabling Scalable Virtual Organizations. Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, and Steven Tuecke. Argonne National Laboratory, The University of Chicago, The University of Southern California. Argonne, Chicago, Marina del Rey Illinois, California United States . 2001.

[foster, kesselman, nick and tuecke, 2002] Grid Services for Distributed System Integration. Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, Jeffrey M. Nick, and Steven Tuecke. Argonne National Laboratory, The University of Chicago, IBM, The University of Southern California. Argonne, Chicago, Marina del Rey, Poughkeepsie Illinois, California, New York United States . 2002.

[foster, kesselman, nick and tuecke, 2002] The Physiology of the Grid. An Open Grid Services Architecture for Distributed Systems Integration. Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, Jeffrey M. Nick, and Steven Tuecke. Argonne National Laboratory, The University of Chicago, IBM, The University of Southern California. Argonne, Chicago, Marina del Rey, Poughkeepsie Illinois, California, New York United States . 2002.

[foster and kesselman, globus01] Globus. A Metacomputing Infrastructure Toolkit. Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman. Argonne National Laboratory, The University of Southern California. Argonne, Marina del Rey Illinois, California United States .

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[zhang, chung and zhou, 2002-1] Developing Grid computing applications. Introduction of a Grid architecture and toolkit for building Grid solutions. Liang-Jie Zhang, Jen-Yao Chung, and Qun Zhou. IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Software Group. 2002. 1.

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[carriero and gelernter, 1989] LINDA IN CONTEXT. [carriero and gelernter, 1989]. NICHOLAS CARRIERO and DAVID GELERNTER. ACM - Association for Computing Machinery. New York New York . 1989.

[anderson and shasha] Persistent Linda. Linda + Transactions + Query Processing. Brian G. Anderson and Denis Sasha. Teradata Corp., Courant Institute. Berkeley, New York California, New York .

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[busi and zavattaro] On the Serializability of Transactions in Shared Dataspaces with Temporary Data. Nadia Busi and Gianluigi Zavattaro. Univ. of Bologna, Dept. of Computer Science. Bologna Italy .

[maraikar and ranasinghe, 2002] From Linda to JavaSpaces. A Review of the Tuple Space Paradigm. Z. Maraikar and D. N. Ranasinghe. University of Colombo School of Computing.

[byrd, gong, sargor and smith, 2001] Yalta. A Secure Collaborative Space for Dynamic Coalitions. Gregory T. Byrd, Fengmin Gong, Chandramouli Sargor, and Timothy J. Smith. United States Military Academy. West Point New York . 0-7803-9814-9.

[boese, 2002] Lime, Linda in a mobile environment. Joos-Hendrik Boese. Technische Universitaet Berlin. Berlin Berlin Germany . 2002.

[busi and zavattaro, 2001] Some Thoughts on Transiently Shared Dataspaces. Nadia Busi and Gianluigi Zavattaro. Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna. Bologna Italy . 2001.

[picco, murphy and roman] LIME: Linda Meets Mobility. Gian Pietro Picco, Amy L. Murphy, and Gruia-Catalin Roman. Dept. of Computer Science, Washington University. St. Louis Missouri .

[picco, murphy and roman] Developing Mobile Computing Applications with Lime. Gian Pietro Picco, Amy L. Murphy, and Gruia-Catalin Roman. Washington University, Politecnico di Milano. St. Louis, Milano United Staes, Italy .

[picco, murphy and roman] LIME: A Middleware for Physical and Logical Mobility. Gian Pietro Picco, Amy L. Murphy, and Gruia-Catalin Roman. Washington University, Politecnico di Milano, University of Rochester. St. Louis, Milano, Rochester United Staes, Italy .

[fok and roman, 2002] A Lightweight Coordination Model and Middleware for Mobile Computing. Chien-Liang Fok and Gruia-Catalin Roman. Dept. of Computer Science, Washington University. St. Louis Missouri . 2002.

[handorean and roman, 2002] Secure Sharing of Tuple Spaces in Ad Hoc Settings. Radu Handorean and Gruia-Catalin Roman. Dept. of Computer Science, Washington University. St. Louis Missouri . 2002.

[golvin, cooperstein, schaeffer and Scaffidi, 2002] Mobile's Enterprise Upgrade . [golvin, cooperstein, schaeffer and Scaffidi, 2002]. Charles S. Golvin, David M. Cooperstein, Jennifer Schaeffer, and Gregory J. Scaffidi. Forrester Research, Inc.. Cambridge Massachusetts . 2002.

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[basso, 2002] Predicts 2003 . [basso, 2002]. Wireless and Mobile. Monica Basso. Gartner, Inc.. Stamford Connecticut . 2002.

[clark, 2002] How Hot Will Public Wireless 'Hot Spots' Become? . [clark, 2002]. William Clark. Gartner, Inc.. Stamford Connecticut . 2002.


[haischt, 2002] XML & Web Services Magazin. Software & Support Verlag GmbH. Sebastian Meyen. "About Kits and Packs". A Comparison of Web Service Toolkits. Daniel S. Haischt. Copyright © 2002 Software & Support Verlag GmbH. 93-96. 3. 2002.

[haischt, 2001] Java Magazin. [haischt, 2001]. Software & Support Verlag GmbH. Sebastian Meyen. "The Servers of Avalon". Rapid Server Application Development using the Avalon Component Model. Daniel S. Haischt. Copyright © 2001 Software & Support Verlag GmbH. 68-70. 6. 2001.


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[picco, 1998] Understanding, Evaluating, Formalizing, and Exploiting Code Mobility . Gian Pietro Picco. Politecnico Di Torino. Torino Italy . 1998.

[kistler, 1993] Disconnected Operation in a Distributed File System . [kistler, 1993]. James Jay Kistler. School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh Pennsylvania . 1993.

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